Sunday, June 28, 2009

A seven nation army couldn't hold me back

Hey all! I know it's been a million years since I updated, but I just wanted to make a little post from Bad Neustadt (when I'm back in Freiburg, I'll make a real update).

So yes, I'm in Bad Neustadt with my host family, the Schneyers (Kerstin, Basti, Bernd und Marion... Simone is gone this weekend, I am in her bed haha). It's been 4 years since I've been here, and 3 since I've seen Kerstin and all the other people from the exchange program. But it feels like no time has passed in between. I'm so comfortable here and really enjoy being around my "host" family and seeing a bunch of people from the program again has been amazing. Even though my German might not actually be better, I'm much more comfortable speaking with my host family, something I was really nervous about last time.

After learning German an der Uni and being in Freiburg for a month, the accent/dialect that my host family has is wahnsinnig (crazy!). I can't believe I never noticed it- it was so hard to understand everyone when I first got here (on Friday). But it's getting better :)

My host dad, Bernd, keeps feeding me beer- it's very funny, a good way for us to bond. No one else in the family likes beer, so I drink one with him at dinner and what not. Sehr gut :)

Anyway, Freiburg and my life there seem a million light years away from Bad Neustadt and this weekend. It's hard to believe it's all the same trip, let alone the same country. It's helped to kind of re-center me, and it feels so good to see people everyday who I haven't seen in so long and who I've missed for 3-4 years.

Yes, a nice little reflective post. On Monday I'll post all the gory details of what I did while I was here.

Until next time...

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