Hey all... so it's been a week since a proper update- sorry! But here goes...
Last Tuesday night, we went bowling. OMG- so fun!!! We all went by our country of origin and since there was already an Ireland and Italy and I didn't want to be English or Welsh, I was CZECH REPUBLIC. We played two times, and the first time I was "Czech Rep." and the second "Czeckmate" haha. Luckily, I broke 50 both times, which was my goal: 51 for the first game, 53 for the second. Fun fun fun! We all (8 people) rode back to the Guesthouse in a little 5 seater car... very dangerous, but oh so fun.
Let's see now... Wednesday was a pretty chill day around the Guesthouse. I don't remember exactly what we did, but we didn't go out. However, on Wednesday I bought a cute little espresso maker that you put on the stove and the coffee boils up... So nice! I needed it. :)
On Thursday, we all went out to Kagan- fun! It was a late night, as always with Kagan, and a very good night.
Friday, I skipped class because I left for Bad Neustadt that day at 1 pm. The train ride was loooooong, but nice. One of the trains was a tiny regional train, and packed full of people. An old, mean German guy yelled at me for having my feet on the seat but whatever. Finally, I got to Wuerzburg, and I took the bus to meet Kerstin. It was so great to see her again!!! We drove the 45 minutes to Bad Neustadt/Wollbach, and had a yummy pasta dinner. Her parents gave me two huuuuuuge hugs- it was amazing to see them again! It was as if nothing had changed! It's crazy to think that it was 4 years since I was there- it felt like yesterday! And like I already said, with their dialect I had to work to understand, but I got it ;).
Friday night, we went to a party in a field, which is a neat thing that never happens in the USA. The party was for the new Ami group, who just got there the day before. Everyone was about 16 years old and we felt old haha. Andrew was there and Helena and Julia. Sehr viel Spass! We left kind of early because it was kind of boring, but it was fun.
Saturday was a buuuusy day. One of Kerstin's friends had a birthday so we went out to breakfast. Then, Basti had a soccer game at 1 pm, so we went to cheer him on. He's the best player on the team and it was a lot of fun watching him play! They tied though, which was stupid because it was the championship game. Then around 2:30, Kerstin and I made the drive up the Kreuzberg. We passed by the exchange group on the way up, and I yelled out the window to Janie haha. We got to the top before the group did, so we ate and I had a beer- yum! Then everyone else got up and we hung around for a little while before heading home. At about 6 pm, I called Alberto and it was funny. We made plans to go to Sommerkarneval... he picked us up around 8 pm and we went to see Kerstin's friend, Caro, perform at the festival. They were really good! We got back around 1:30 am.
On Sunday I slept for a long time- it was very nice. We ate breakfast then went to a little music festival up a hill in Wollbach. There, I got to hear the man with the strongest dialect in Wollbach- very hard to understand! After that, Kerstin and I read, slept and hung out for a while because it was too cloudy to go to the Schwimmbad, which was our plan. At 6 pm, we had a massive grilling session and I ate until I literally could not eat anymore- I thought I was going to puke! But everything was deeeeelicious.
Monday morning, we woke up bright and early to catch the train from Bad Neustadt to Wuerzburg, and then I separated from Kerstin in Wuerzburg and made my way back to Freiburg. 5.5 hours of train! Phew!!!
Monday was chill in Freiburg. I took a shower and had a nap and met Andrew for a yufka doener and a beer. Very nice. When I got back, things were underway at the Guesthouse and we went out to Shooter Stars at about midnight and we closed the place down! Lots of fun!!
Today was verrry chill... pretty much just slept all day and when we were supposed to go the Seepark (the lake) it was storming, but now it's sunny??... Anyway, I watched part of Harry Potter 5 with some friends and who knows what else is going to happen.
This weekend was a great break from Freiburg, and it was so awesome to see all of my old friends. It's also very nice to be back in Freiburg. Bad Neustadt seems like a million miles away from Freiburg, but I like both very much.
Well that's about it.... Until next time!
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