Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Schmeiß die Hände in die Luft!

So, the last few weeks in which I haven't posted have included many adventures in the Land of Party and Jäger Bombs. Let's see, I spent the weekend of October 24th traveling around Austria with some Brits (Dan, Rich, Nichol) - we went to Bruck an der Mur (for Emilie's birthday party), came back to Bad Aussee (for my HLW Maturaball!) and then went to Mürzzuschlag (where Rich lives). The weekend of October 31st, I was in Schladming with Frankie. It was Halloween, but nothing cool was going on in Schladming, sadly. I really missed Halloween this year! Then, the weekend of the 7th, I was in Vienna for Nichol's birthday. We all had a great time in the capital - Nichol, Ollie (Nichol's bf), Frankie, Jordan, Peter, Corrie and I had an awesome time on the town Saturday night. The city is absolutely gorgeous - I'm in love! I got a Starbuck's Latte and it was heeeaven! Only 10 Starbuck's in Austria, and they are ALL in Vienna! And finally this past weekend, I was in Schladming again for Frankie's Maturaball and general rabble-rousing. We raved in a cave. Enough said. :)

I have plans for the rest of my weekends before I go home. This Thursday, I'm taking the night train to Neuchâtel to visit Maude, the weekend after that I'm having a Thanksgiving bash at my apartment (which will be interesting...not sure how the food is all going to turn out haha), the first weekend in November, I'm going to Graz for "Fallstival," during which we'll be commemorating a Pagan holiday haha, then I think I'm going to go to Vienna to hit up the Christmas markets and, of course, buy many souveniors....then I'm flying home on Thursday the 17th!!!! And I even have plans that weekend to hit Ann Arbor hard :)!

Anyway, though the weekends are awesome here, the weeks are a bit boring here in Bad Aussee, but that's just how it is in small-town Austria. And I'm really enjoying my job (getting the hang of it and all) and even the really annoying classes are getting on my good side! Also, the good classes just keep getting better! It's cool. I was told by my main teacher that I'm a natural teacher, although I feel like I'm shit, so that made me happy! And my principal said I speak German really well, so that was awesome! I've had some really awesome lessons, such as the Ku Klux Klan, "schockvertising," legalizing marijuana and so on.

So I have some things/differences between Austria/America/Germany that I'm going to write about in my next post (can't be bothered right now....a bit lazy), so keep an eye out for that!

Miss and love you all!

ps, "schmeiß die Hände in die Luft" is my favorite part of an awesome German party song "Das geht ab" - the quote translates to "throw the hands in the air!" :)

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