Monday, November 9, 2009

I, I can remember standing by the Wall...

Today is the 20 year anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall. Being in Austria, another German speaking country, I thought there'd be a little more celebration, or at least someone talking about it. However, in school, not a word was mentioned. Even the news coverage here has been scarce. Granted, I've been watching ORF all night and they just play American TV series on Monday night, but there wasn't much even on the news. I guess it really just highlights and reiterates that they are two very different countires.

I just so wish I had been in Berlin today. I bet it felt really good in that city today. I'm going in January, but it doesn't feel soon enough...

By the way, the song "Heroes" by David Bowie, which I have used in my subject line, is a love story about two people who met at the Wall.

Well, I know I haven't updated in a while. But I will later this week.

Sending my love to all!

1 comment:

  1. hey baby
    when you get home we are driving around ann arbor blasting "Whaddup New CAR ?!?!?!?!" haha and of course that song will be played. and sung by us and our talented voices.
